11 Nogizaka46 5th generation members revealed

Here is full lists of Nogizaka46 5th generation members all of them 11 member revealed through official Nogizaka youtube channel.
Eleven new members have joined Nogizaka46 as their 5th Generation. 

The identity of each of the members, chosen from a massive 88,000 applicants (the biggest in J-Pop history), have been revealed daily since February 2, with the final 3 in March because of education-related reasons. 

They will appear for the first time on Nogizaka 46 Hours TV in the segment "Omitate-kai (お見立て会)" on February 23, 2022. 

1. 井上 和 (いのうえ なぎ) / Inoue Nagi

Inoue Nagi Nogizaka46 5th gen member

Inoue Nagi 
Birthdate: February 17, 2005
Birthplace: Kanagawa Prefecture
Agency: N46Div

2. Ichinose Miku (一ノ瀬美空)

Ichinose Miku Nogizaka46 5th generation member

Age: 18 years old
Birthplace: Fukuoka Prefecture

According to modelpress, Ichinose Miku, the new 5ki of Nogizaka, won in 2017 "The  Cutest Female Junior High School Student" or the "JC Mitsukon 2017". 

Ichinose Miku Nogizaka46 5th generation member

3. Sugawara Satsuki 菅原 咲月 (すがわら さつき)

Sugawara satsuki nogizaka46

Sugawara Satsuki
Chiba Prefecture
16 years-old

4. Ogawa Aya 

Ogawa Aya nogizaka46

Ogawa Aya
14 years old 

- Many Japanese fans calling Ogawa Aya as Saito Asuka clone.
- By far the youngest one.
- She is a model and child actress who has appeared in several CMs.

5. Tomisato Nao

Tomisato Nao nogizaka46

Tomisato Nao 
15 years old 

- Previously a member of local idol with stage name Aosaka Nana.

6. Okuda Iroha

Okuda Iroha nogizaka46

Okuda Iroha
20 August 2005 (16 years old)
Chiba Prefecture

- An experienced figure in the industry. Modeling, dorama, movies, CM, magazine.

7. Nakanishi Aruno

Nakanishi Aruno nogizaka46

Nakanishi Aruno 
18 years old
Chiba Prefecture

8. Ioki Mao

Ioki Mao nogizaka46

Ioki Mao 
16 years old 
Hyogo Prefecture

- Fans linked Ioki Mao whose ancestors are the Japanese imperial family, Prince Ioki Irihiko who is the son of Emperor Keiko (71-130 AD) of the second empress Yasaka Irihime, the younger sister of the next emperor Emperor Seimu (131-191 AD).

9. Teresa Ikeda

Teresa ikeda nogizaka46

Teresa Ikeda 
19 yeears old, Mixed-race

Her name its not written in a "english" way but in a "latino/spanish" way
Theresa: english way
Teresa: latino/spanish way

10. Kawasaki Sakura

Kawasaki Sakura 
18 years-old
Kanagawa Prefecture

11. Okamoto Himena

Updated: April 1, 2022

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