Igarashi Hayaka announces graduation from SKE48

SKE48 Team KII member Igarashi Hayaka to graduate from the group, here is the reason on her graduation.
Igarashi Hayaka announces graduation from SKE48

SKE48 Team KII member Igarashi Hayaka to graduate from the group. 

It was announced through official SKE website.

Her graduation schedule will take place at 28 February 2022, but no special show nor any events for that. 

On her Twitter, Igarashi Hayaka says "The reason is that I wanted to work as a solo."

"I'm sorry to surprise you with such a sudden thing. I, Hayaka Igarashi, will graduate on February 28th. After graduation, want to try something new as a solo artist." she added

"However, I am proud to be in this group called SKE48, and I think it is all because I have this experience. Everything I've built with you is my blood and flesh, and it's a treasure. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I wish I could leave you with something that won't disappear even if it's a little. Thank you so much for watching my activities for about two years."

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