Hinatazaka46 opens auditions for 4th generation members

The 4th generation members audition for Hinatazaka46 has started, here is the details and timeline.
Hinatazaka46 opens auditions for 4th generation members

Hinatazaka46 4th generation members audition application starts on 7th March and the deadline is 4th April, 2022. 

Captain Sasaki Kumi says, "To those of you who are considering auditioning for Hinatazaka46. There are no people who are same, and everyone has different problems, hobbies, interests, and thoughts."

"I know there are a lot of anxieties, and some of you may not be able to take the first step because you think it might change your life. Those words also pushed me to audition."

"I found a lifetime of friends and a great view at the end of the road! Hinatazaka46 is very nice group. I can say this with pride. I'm looking forward to meeting friends who will support each other and move forward together, and all the members are waiting for you!"

Timeline for Hinatazaka46 4ki project:

1st round: Documents Review (7 March - 4 April)
2nd round: Online (April)
3rd round: Interview 1 (May) 
4th round: Interview 2 (May)
Trainee final exam: 29 May
Trainee period: 3 months
Projected joining of 4ki: August

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