Alya Amanda JKT48 Profile: Bio, Age, Birthday

alya amanda jkt48 graduation issues

A new member has been announced, this is a brief profile of Alya Amanda JKT48 11th Generation.

Alya Amanda is one of the members of JKT48 11th generation which previously just closed registration in September 2022.

Then in November it was announced that members of JKT48 11th generation including Alya Amanda.

At the 10th Anniversary Concert last August, it was rumored that registration for JKT48 new members will be opened.

Then reported from the JKT48 YouTube account which shared the profile of a new JKT48 member on November 10, 2022.

Alya's profile shows a girl wearing an orange T-shirt with the JKT48 sign.

Alya has the full name Alya Amanda, she is 15 year-old. She was born in August 26, 2006.

Through the video, JKT48 introduced Alya Amanda as one of the 11th generation of JKT48.

JKT48 creates a place for Indonesian girls to achieve their dreams of becoming an idol.

At the opening of JKT48 11th generation, registration is open for girls with an age range of 13-18 years.

Then for the selected participants, they will take part in Trainees (training activities) to prepare the participants before debuting as JKT48.

The hope is that through JKT48, many Indonesian teenage girls can achieve their dreams of becoming an idol.

Not only singing and dancing, the members are also trained to develop abilities in other fields.

Fans can wait for the continuation of the information with updates from the YouTube account, social media, or the official JKT48 website.

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