Details on CGM48 5th and Original Single "2565"

Details on CGM48 5th and Original Single "2565"

Chiang Mai's CGM48 to release their 5th single and it will be another original song titled "2565". 

Manichar Aimdilokwong (Marmink) will be the center of this single.

This single is the second original single after Mali (มะลิ). And it will be released on December 2022.

For CGM48's 2nd generation member, this will be their first ever single in senbatsu. 

CGM4I "2565" Senbatsu Members Line up:

Trainee: Meen Pitchayathida, Jingjing Arunya, Mei Rapeephan, Lookked Pimlapas, Parima Chutipapha. 

Team C: Marmink Manichar (C), Kaning Vithita, Fortune Pundita, Izuta Rina, Sita Teeradechsakul, Aom Punyawee, Champoo Kodchapon, Nenie Phitchayapha, Punch Wacharee, Pim Promwarin. 

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