Legendary BNK48 The Campus to be relocated

BNK48 The Campus to be relocated

Legendary BNK48 The Campus zone is set to be relocated, according to local fand. 

BNK48 The Campus is currently a lively conversation among fans, since it is rumored that the BNK48 theater will be moving soon. 

This is because The Mall Bangkapi will carry out a major renovation, especially on the 4th floor which is the location of the BNK48 theater. 

In the future this zone will be replaced as a fast food restaurant zone. 

Throwback to few weeks ago when Cherprang also confirmed that next year BNK48 will not have a theater show schedule for a while. 

It looks like BNK48 The Campus will be moved to Superstar College of Arts, considering that currently iAM is working with SCA.

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