Guide: The Siege of Orleans Rise of Kingdoms KvK tips and tricks

Guide: The Siege of Orleans Rise of Kingdoms tips and tricks

After previously launching Warriors Unbound and King of The Nile, in the latest Patch Rise of Kingdoms also Lilith Games released a new Lost Kingdom Event alias KvK format with the name The Siege of Orleans. 

Unlike the other KvK story formats found in the Season of Conquest, the Siege of Orleans offers different rewards and a storyline that is also different and somewhat unique. 

For RoK friends who want to enjoy the Siege of Orleans KvK format, this can only be done in old kingdoms that have been formed for more than a year, aka entering the conquest season.

Because it has just been released, the first 100 kingdoms to participate in Pioneer Mode or try the inaugural Siege of Orleans format are entitled to special prizes. 

The rewards are decent, in the form of Gems, Sovereign Keys, Epic Materials for forging equipment, to Speedups and Gold Keys. 

Are all players in kingdoms that register for the Orleans Raid KvK eligible? Of course, if your kingdom is registered then all player accounts including the farm account will get lucrative rewards.

There are a total of six camps provided in KvK The Siege of Orleans, with a maximum duration of 50 days. 

As usual, the Season of Conquest Shop or seasonal workshop remains which players can use to exchange coins for interesting items such as city skins, Gold Statues (Gold Head), Legendary blueprints, Armaments, and others. 

In the Storming of Orléans story, you can use the new auxiliary commander feature to customize your commander's skill set. 

Auxiliary Commanders: In this story, each commander can attach up to 3 extra auxiliary skills from 3 different "auxiliary commanders". The skills that can be attached to each auxiliary commander skill slot depend on the skill slot:

Slot 2 can be fitted with another commander's 2nd skill Slot 3 can be fitted with another commander's 3rd skill

Slot 4 can be fitted with another commander's 4th skill Note that auxiliary skills can only be used in the Lost Kingdom.

The Storming of Orléans Campaign: In this story, if your alliance or coalition occupies Orléans Gilda Hall and Orléans Gilda Hall is not open for battle, you can choose to start the Orléans Storming campaign. 

In this campaign, you must defend Orléans by defeating the incoming waves of British troops. If all defending troops are defeated or if Gilda's Hall of Orléans is occupied, the campaign will fail.

1. In the story of the Storming of Orléans, the governors of the different camps will meet each other at around day 10. After the level 4 Pass is unlocked, each camp can start sending troops to the two neighboring provinces.

2. On around day 21, all camps will be able to enter the two neighboring provinces of Orléans and battle for control of the two provinces.

3. On around day 31, preparations will begin for the battle for Orléans.

4. On around day 36, the level 7 Pass to Orléans will be opened, and the battle for the city will begin.

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