Pop Punk Idol Group buGG Set to Disband in 2024!

Pop Punk Idol Group buGG Set to Disband in 2024!

A pop punk idol group buGG has shared the news that they will be disbanding on April 8th, 2024. 

This decision came after extensive discussions between the members about the group's future and their individual paths. 

Fans were caught off guard, especially since *buGG* has been a prominent name in the idol scene for several years.

The group, originally known as TOKYOPiXiON from 2017 to 2018, went through a rebranding phase before gaining a loyal fan base under their new name. 

Their energetic performances, combined with their pop-punk edge, set them apart in the idol industry. 

Over the years, *buGG* managed to carve out a unique identity, blending the typical idol charm with a more rebellious, punk attitude.

As the members now look towards their individual futures, many are wondering what lies ahead for them. Some may pursue solo careers, while others could step away from the entertainment world entirely. 

Although the news has left fans saddened, there’s still some time left to enjoy buGG as they plan to continue performing up until the disbandment.

April 8th will undoubtedly be an emotional day, marking the end of an era for both the group and their fans. 

Let’s cherish these final months and look forward to their last performances!

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