Setsuna Meteor to Disband Over Ageing Concerns

Setsuna Meteor to Disband Over Ageing Concerns

Idol group Setsuna Meteor has announced their decision to disband, citing "physical decline due to ageing" as the primary reason, despite their average age being just 30. 

This surprising move comes as a shock to their fans, particularly since the group has been a staple of the Hokkaido music scene. 

Their final performance will be at their 6th Anniversary concert in November 2024, marking the end of an era for both the group and their dedicated followers.

The announcement also brings news of an early graduation for Mona Hatori, one of the group's members. 

Hatori will leave the group in March 2024, earlier than planned, due to a combination of job changes and persistent lower back pain. 

This early departure has added to the emotional impact of the disbandment for fans who have followed her journey closely.

Setsuna Meteor's decision to part ways is a poignant reminder of the physical demands placed on idols, even those who are relatively young.

The group has been known for their high-energy performances and has built a loyal fanbase over the years. 

Their final concert is expected to be a heartfelt farewell, filled with nostalgia and memorable moments.

The upcoming months will see the members preparing for their final performance, and fans are gearing up to celebrate the group's legacy. 

Despite the challenging news, Setsuna Meteor's contribution to the Japanese idol industry will be remembered fondly.

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