AKB48 Shinozaki Ayana 1st Photobook "Irodori" Details

AKB48 Shinozaki Ayana 1st Photobook "Irodori" Details

With just one day before her graduation, AKB48 member Shinozaki Ayana made an important announcement on SHOWROOM on February 9th, 20:00 JST. 

What was the announcement? 

Turns out, she's going to release her 1st Photobook titled "Irodori". 

Her first PB to be released on April 17th, 2024. 

Ayanan said, "Thanks to all the fans, I was able to make my dream of releasing a photo book come true."

According to local media, Ayanan's took photoshoot for her photobook in Tokyo and Okinawa.

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