AKB48 Members Revealed Audition for New Stage

AKB48 Members Revealed Audition for New Stage

AKB48 Members Chosen for New Stage Via Audition. AKB48 has just revealed how the selection for the members performing in the group's New Original Stage was made. 

Interestingly, it wasn't just based on seniority or previous performances—it came down to a competitive audition.

Shitao Miu, one of the members, shared some details about the process. 

She explained that an audition was held for the girls, and they were given a week to prepare. 

During the audition, each group performed two songs, much like how they usually do in the AKB48 theater. 

With 16 members in each group, it was quite a challenge.

Miu confessed that the audition was held early in the morning, and she felt very sleepy. 

She even made a few mistakes and doubted she would make the cut. 

However, Miu made sure to act as if she were performing for a live audience. 

Her goal was to prove that even if she slips up during the show, she can still deliver a strong performance. Her determination paid off as she was chosen for the shonichi (first performance).

Serika, another selected member, also gave insights during her SHOWROOM live. 

She mentioned that the shonichi members were announced to them a week before their last performance in the current AKB48 theater. 

The news came as a surprise, right after they finished rehearsing. 

For Serika, it was hard to process at first, but she felt an overwhelming sense of happiness once it sank in.

According to Serika, the selection committee wasn’t only judging their audition performances. 

The decision was based on their overall growth, considering how they behaved and performed during their practices and training sessions. 

The committee included the usual AKB48 choreographers and some management figures, adding to the pressure. 

Serika revealed that when she returned to the waiting room after the announcement, she was met with congratulations, especially from Miu, who told her, "You deserve to be chosen, Serichan!" 

That support from her fellow members made her decision to stay on this path feel even more rewarding.

The audition involved performing in small groups, with each group preparing two songs as if they were performing in a live AKB48 Theater show. 

This method ensured that the girls were judged not just on their technical abilities, but also on how they handled the pressures of a real performance.

AKB48's new original stage will have its shonichi on December 8th 2024, and the lineup is packed with fan favourites, including Oguri Yui, Yamauchi Mizuki, Murayama Yuiri, and many more.

This latest stage is a chance for members to shine and for fans to see the group’s evolving talent up close. 

It’s clear that the audition was no ordinary process, and the final members were chosen based on their dedication and ability to handle the high-pressure world of AKB48.

For fans, this is a highly anticipated event, and everyone is eager to see how the selected members will bring the new stage to life.

Shonichi Lineup:
Oguri Yui, Yamauchi Mizuki, Murayama Yuiri, Kuranoo Narumi, Sato Airi, Mukaichi Mion, Shitao Miu, Chiba Erii, Mizushima Miyuu, Yamazaki Sora, Akiyama Yuna, Yagi Azuki, Suzuki Kurumi, Nagano Serika, Yamaguchi Yui, Ito Momoka.

Prepare for an unforgettable performance!

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