AKB48 Team SH to Sue Former Members Over Underground Idol Gigs

Team SH Sues Ex-Members Over Underground Idol Groups!

AKB48 Team SH has been making headlines with threats of legal action against former members who’ve joined underground idol groups. 

The issue stems from a strict 8-year contract, much like SNH48’s first generation, but with a key difference – a non-compete clause that bans all performance arts activities. 

Unlike SNH48 graduates, who are free to join underground groups or stream on platforms like Weibo and Douyin, Team SH members face a complete ban on entertainment work after leaving the group.

This harsh policy is causing friction, especially since AKB48 Team SH has been struggling for a while now. 

Their current manager, Sun Huaning, who managed several groups during the Chinese idol boom, has provided some updates on the group's future. 

The team is now under the management of a new company called 偶然发声, with Shanghai’s Great World being one of the main investors. 

This iconic venue has become Team SH’s base of operations.

Though Shangyue still holds the rights to AKB48’s brand in mainland China, their collapse has led 偶然发声 to take over Team SH’s management. 

Fans are hopeful, but it remains to be seen if the group can bounce back under this new leadership.

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