AKB48 Theatre Closes for Renovation After 6,843 Days

AKB48 Theatre Closes for Renovation After 6,843 Days
AKB48 Theatre Renovation

After an impressive 6,843 days and 6,552 performances, AKB48's iconic theatre in Akihabara has closed its doors as of September, 2024. 

This closure marks the start of a significant renovation project aimed at revitalising the venue. The final performance was a grand affair, featuring all 42 current members of AKB48. 

They delivered an emotional tribute by performing the title songs from all 17 of the theatre's original performances, a fitting farewell to the theatre’s rich history.

The theatre is set to reopen on December 8, 2024, which coincides with the 19th anniversary of its original opening. 

The relaunch will feature a brand-new performance written by Yasushi Akimoto, the renowned producer behind AKB48. This new production promises to bring fresh energy and excitement to the revamped theatre.

In the meantime, fans can look forward to the "AKB48 Theatre Under Construction Traveling Performance," a special tour that will visit 20 locations across Japan. 

This initiative is designed to keep the AKB48 spirit alive while the theatre undergoes its transformation. The travelling performance will feature a selection of popular AKB48 songs and is expected to bring the unique theatre experience to a broader audience.

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