UP-FRONT WORKS Releases LoVendoЯ & More on Streaming

UP-FRONT WORKS Releases LoVendoЯ & More on Streaming

On September 6, UP-FRONT WORKS officially released songs by LoVendoЯ, PINK CRES., and Chisato Moritaka on various streaming platforms. 

This comes as great news for fans of these groups and artists, especially since many have been eagerly waiting to listen to their music on a more accessible platform. 

The move covers popular services, making it easier for both new listeners and long-time fans to enjoy their tracks.

LoVendoЯ, a rock band fronted by former Morning Musume member Reina Tanaka, was a major highlight of the announcement. 

Tanaka posted on social media expressing how the release of LoVendoЯ's songs made her feel nostalgic. 

She reflected on her time with the band and seemed touched by the opportunity for a wider audience to discover their music. It’s always nice to see artists looking back fondly on their past work, isn’t it?

Alongside LoVendoЯ, PINK CRES., a girl group led by Miyabi Natsuyaki, and the beloved pop icon Chisato Moritaka, also had their songs added to streaming services. 

Both acts have been pivotal in the Japanese music scene, with Moritaka's influence dating back to the '80s and '90s. The inclusion of these artists highlights UP-FRONT WORKS' commitment to keeping these legendary acts accessible to the public.

For long-time J-Pop lovers, this is a moment to revisit some classic tunes, while newer fans can explore the rich history of Japanese pop and rock. The availability of these songs globally opens up the scene to a much broader audience, and that’s pretty exciting.

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