Ananda Everingham Asked by Mew Suppasit About Proposal Ring

Ananda Everingham Asked by Mew Suppasit About Proposal Ring

Recently, actor Ananda Everingham opened up about Mew Suppasit’s proposal to Tul Pakorn in a media interview. 

During the conversation, the 42-year-old actor shared that he personally knows both Mew and Tul, calling them a sweet and romantic couple who genuinely complement each other. 

Ananda Everingham expressed his happiness for the pair, noting how they share a beautiful bond.

Ananda mentioned he regularly catches up with Mew, and, not long ago, Mew even asked him for some advice on picking out the perfect engagement ring. 

"I searched around and gave him a few tips. I’m not sure if he’ll actually go with my suggestions," Ananda admitted with a laugh. 

He seemed excited to have been involved, even in this small way, in such a special moment for Mew and Tul.

The seasoned actor also revealed that, while he knew Mew and Tul were planning to marry, he didn’t expect it to happen quite so soon. 

“When I saw their photos from the event, I immediately felt the urge to congratulate them,” he added. 

According to Ananda, the couple’s joy was palpable, and he’s thrilled to see them taking this next step. 

The close friendship between the three actors adds a touching layer to this story of love, support, and celebration.

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