CKG48 Tightens Event Rules Amid Fan Behaviour

CKG48 Tightens Event Rules Amid Fan Behaviour

CKG48 management has recently implemented stricter regulations surrounding their offline events, following concerns over fan behaviour at their Xingmeng Theater. 

These rules include a zero-tolerance policy for any form of rumour-spreading or slander, aiming to protect the reputation of the group and its members.

The decision comes after several incidents where false narratives about the group caused unrest within the fan community. 

The management expressed that these rules are crucial to ensure a safe and positive environment for both fans and performers.

Fans attending future offline events are now expected to follow these guidelines closely. 

Any breach of the zero-tolerance policy could result in a permanent ban from all future CKG48 events. 

The management has also warned that legal action might be pursued against individuals who attempt to harm the group with defamatory remarks or baseless gossip.

This move shows the group’s firm stance in prioritising its members' well-being and maintaining a respectful fan culture. The future of fan interactions is now tied to these clear and unwavering rules.

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