HKT48 Mogami Nanaka announced graduation

HKT48 Mogami Nanaka announced graduation

HKT48 member Mogami Nanaka revealed her decision to graduate from the group. The news was shared during a recent performance, leaving fans with mixed emotions—happy for her future yet sad to see her leave the beloved group.

Mogami Nanaka, who has been a part of HKT48 for a significant time, explained her decision to step away from the group to focus on her studies. 

She expressed her gratitude to the fans, staff, and fellow members for their support throughout her idol journey. While it’s a bittersweet moment, Nanaka’s future plans have given fans something to look forward to.

After finishing her studies, Mogami plans to pursue a solo career in J-Pop, which has always been a dream of hers. 

She shared her excitement about this new chapter in her life, hoping to continue sharing her passion for music with the world, this time as a solo artist.

Nanaka’s graduation marks the beginning of her transition from idol to solo performer. Fans can expect more news about her future career once she finishes her studies. 

Meanwhile, her final performances with HKT48 will undoubtedly be emotional, as she bids farewell to the group that helped shape her career.

As fans look ahead to her solo debut, Mogami Nanaka remains focused on the immediate goal of completing her education. 

Her decision to prioritise her studies has earned the respect of many, and her promise to return to the stage as a J-Pop artist only adds to the anticipation of what’s to come.

For now, supporters can cherish her remaining moments with HKT48, knowing that this is not the end, but a new beginning for Mogami Nanaka.

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