SKE48's "Ai no Hologram" Smashes Sales Records

SKE48's "Ai no Hologram" Smashes Sales Records

The CEO of Zest has announced impressive sales figures for SKE48’s latest single, Ai no Hologram, which launched in February and has already sold an incredible 700,000 copies. 

This record-breaking achievement makes it the highest-selling release by any "48" group this year, marking a major win for SKE48 fans and members alike.

In his statement, the CEO expressed his pride in the group’s hardworking members, acknowledging their dedication and efforts to connect with fans and deliver memorable performances. 

However, he noted that there's a desire to "create more of a buzz" around the group, potentially hinting at new promotional strategies or exciting projects to keep SKE48’s momentum going.

Fans are already speculating about what’s next for the group, especially as the CEO hinted at a renewed focus on pushing SKE48 even further into the spotlight. 

With Ai no Hologram setting the pace for 2024, the group seems poised to keep breaking records and reaching new heights. Will SKE48 keep up this momentum? 

Only time will tell, but the excitement around this achievement has certainly set high expectations for what’s to come.

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