SNH48 GROUP Request Time Best 50 2024 Announced

SNH48GROUP Request Time Best50

SNH48 has officially announced that the 11th SNH48GROUP Request Time Best50 will be held right after the Spring Festival on 29th January 2025, in Hangzhou. 

This annual event is a massive deal for fans as they get to vote for their favourite songs. The voting period kicks off from 26th October and runs until 16th December 2024.

As always, SNH48 plans to spice things up by releasing two new songs, and the best part? 

Fans will get to choose between them. The demo versions will be released alongside the opening of the voting session, adding to the excitement.

Now, here’s the real treat! The top 16 songs will come with some major rewards. Here's a quick rundown:

For the top 1: The lucky winner gets to shoot a music video abroad and embark on a national tour along with a "Thank You" fan meeting. On top of that, the winning song will also be included in the SNH48 spring single set to be released in 2025.

Top 2: A similar prize but with a local music video shoot. They also get the national tour, a fan meeting, and a spot in the 2025 spring single tracklist.

Top 3-7: These ranks will be rewarded with a performance video shot on stage, a theatre performance, and a special "Thank You" fan meeting. Plus, fans can look forward to the "Goldenmelody" fan meet for an exclusive experience.

Top 8-16: These ranks will enjoy a theatre performance and their own fan meeting, ensuring they still get the chance to connect with their audience in a memorable way.

It’s all shaping up to be another fantastic year for SNH48 and their fans! So, mark your calendars, get ready to vote, and stay tuned for those exciting new demos coming your way soon.

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