Aigasa Moe Announces Retirement, METAMOL!!! to Disband in 2025

Aigasa Moe Announces Retirement, METAMOL!!! to Disband in 2025

Former AKB48 member Aigasa Moe has announced her retirement from the entertainment industry, citing age and the challenges of the current market as key reasons. 

After graduating from AKB48, Moe took on dual roles as a member and producer of the idol group METAMOL!!!. However, the group is now set to disband on 25 February 2025.

In a heartfelt apology, Moe expressed her regrets about the group’s dissolution: 

"I'm sorry we have to disband without bringing METAMOL!!! to a larger stage. As a member and producer, I can no longer see sufficient support for the group.

I can’t continue anymore because this is an era where only 'kawaii' songs can gain popularity, while I remained committed to my original concept. 

The past three and a half years as an idol, writing and performing the songs I wanted, have been the most enjoyable time of my life."

Moe’s departure marks the end of her public career, as she requested privacy and respect in her transition to a life away from the spotlight.

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