GNZ48 Announces Graduation Stage Dates for Chen Ke & Liu QianQian

GNZ48 Announces Graduation Stage Dates for Chen Ke & Liu QianQian

GNZ48 has officially announced the graduation stage schedules for beloved members Chen Ke from Team Z and Liu Qianqian from Team NIII. 

The long-awaited farewell performances will take place on 23 November 2024, marking an emotional day for fans of the idol group.

Chen Ke (SNH48 Gen 5), a staple of Team Z, will present her graduation stage titled "Dream Search K" at 13:00 WIB

Known for her charisma and dedication, Chen Ke has built a remarkable legacy that fans will undoubtedly celebrate during this special send-off performance.

Later that evening, Liu Qianqian (SNH48 Gen 6) from Team NIII will host her farewell stage, "Redamancy", at 18:00 WIB

Liu Qianqian’s journey with GNZ48 has left an indelible mark on the group, and her final performance promises to be a heartfelt tribute to her years on stage.

These graduation stages are set to be momentous events, giving fans one last opportunity to support and celebrate these cherished idols as they close this chapter in their careers.

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