Kameno Zion announced graduation from NMB48

Kameno Zion announced graduation from NMB48

Kameno Zion, a beloved member of NMB48 Team N’s 7th generation, has announced her graduation from the group. 

The announcement came during today’s "NShip" performance, catching fans by surprise as she shared her decision on stage.

Although Kameno Zion has expressed her plans to graduate, no official date for her final appearance or departure has been shared. 

However, it’s confirmed that all events for NMB48's upcoming 10th single will continue as planned, ensuring fans can still see her participate in these promotions.

Her departure will mark another transition within NMB48, as fans and members prepare to say goodbye. 

Many have expressed their heartfelt support and gratitude for her contributions to the group, especially her dedication and vibrant presence on stage. 

Her graduation will certainly be a bittersweet moment for NMB48 and her fans as she moves towards new opportunities beyond the idol world. 

Further details on her graduation schedule are expected soon, which will clarify her final activities with the group.

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