Ayumi Ishida Graduates from Morning Musume '24 After 13 Years

Ayumi Ishida Graduates from Morning Musume '24 After 13 Years

Ayumi Ishida (27) officially graduated from Morning Musume '24 and Hello! Project during the final concert of the group’s Autumn Tour at Yokohama Arena on 6 December. 

As the last remaining member of the 10th Generation, Ishida brought her 13-year journey with the group to an emotional close.

Since joining in 2011, Ishida has been celebrated for her impeccable dance skills, earning her a reputation as one of Morning Musume's standout performers. 

Her farewell performance captivated fans, blending nostalgia with gratitude for her contribution.

The concert was a fitting tribute, with fellow members expressing their heartfelt thanks for her guidance and camaraderie. 

The audience of devoted fans also shared their appreciation, waving lightsticks in Ishida’s signature colour, creating a sea of support.

Her graduation marks the end of the 10th Generation’s legacy in Morning Musume. 

Ishida expressed her gratitude for the years spent with the group and promised to continue pursuing her passions. While her next steps remain uncertain, fans are eager to support her future endeavours.

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