
BNK48 1st Original Stage "Whisper Roar" Setlist

BNK48 1st Original Stage "Whisper Roar" Setlist

BNK48 Debuts 1st Original Stage "Whisper Roar" with a Spectacular Setlist

BNK48 has unveiled their highly anticipated first original stage, "Whisper Roar", delivering an electrifying performance that fans won’t soon forget. 

Featuring a blend of fresh tracks and reimagined classics, the stage opened with a rousing Overture - BNK48 Version and flowed seamlessly into powerful group numbers like "For Your Dream" and "Promise" from their 14th single.

The stage introduced unit performances, including "Bualoy Khaiwaan", starring Hoop, Mean, Peak, Janry, and Wawa, and the heartfelt "First Love" by Eve, Grace, Patt, and Emmy. 

A highlight was Janry’s solo rendition of "Cry," moving the audience to tears. 

Iconic singles like "Siang Khong Baimai" and "Believers" were reimagined with new arrangements, adding a fresh touch to fan favourites.

Capping off the evening was the titular track "Whisper Roar" and an exhilarating encore featuring "Melody Nee" and "Klai Mai Klai," wrapping up the performance with roaring applause.

This stage not only showcases BNK48’s versatility but also cements their position as leaders in idol innovation.

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