Drama JKT48: Aulia Riza Dragged Into Blacklist Scandal

Drama JKT48: Aulia Riza Dragged Into Blacklist Scandal

The JKT48 13th Generation auditions have sparked controversy involving newly announced member Aulia Riza, also known as Auwia. 

A former audition participant, identified only as “E,” has come forward with claims of unfair treatment and confusion surrounding a blacklist from JKT48 Operation Team (JOT).

E revealed that she and Aulia were part of a group chat during the auditions, where Aulia shared JOT's WhatsApp number, asking group members to verify its authenticity. 

In an attempt to help, E messaged the number, but during her conversation with JOT, she disclosed that Aulia had provided the contact information.

According to E, Aulia later pleaded with her not to mention her name to JOT, fearing a potential blacklist. However, E had already disclosed Aulia’s involvement. 

Shortly after, JOT informed E via text that "Already Blacklisted", leading her to assume she was barred from reapplying.

Despite the blacklist, Aulia was announced as part of the 13th Generation. This revelation left E heartbroken, as her intentions were to assist Aulia. 

Fans are now debating the fairness of JOT’s decision and the potential misuse of trust within the group’s audition process.

This incident has raised concerns about transparency and fairness, casting a shadow over JKT48’s recruitment system. 

E has since shared her frustration and sadness, questioning whether the blacklist was a misunderstanding or deliberate. Fans await further clarification from JOT.

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