Fans Go Wild: 2o Love to Sweet Bullet Final Concert Ticket Sells for $2000

Fans Go Wild: 2o Love to Sweet Bullet Final Concert Ticket Sells for $2000

How much would you pay to bid farewell to your favourite idol group? 

A VIP centre, front-row ticket to the final concert of 2o Love to Sweet Bullet has sold for an astounding ¥321,000 (over US$2,000) on Yahoo! Auctions. 

This price is eight times higher than the original ticket price, reflecting the passionate dedication of idol fans.

The group’s final concert is set for 1st February, marking the end of an era for their devoted followers. 

After this event, 2o Love to Sweet Bullet will undergo a significant transformation. 

On 1st March, the group’s five current members will officially split into two new groups. 

These groups will feature a mix of existing members and new additions, opening a fresh chapter for the idols.

Fans have expressed mixed feelings about the split, with many eager to support the new formations while cherishing the memories of the original group. 

With the ticket bidding frenzy, it’s clear that this farewell concert is a historic moment in the idol world.

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