FREE! JKT48 Senbatsu Sousenkyo 2024 Live Stream on YouTube

FREE! JKT48 Senbatsu Sousenkyo 2024 Live Stream on YouTube

Exciting news for JKT48 fans! The highly anticipated JKT48 26th Single Senbatsu Sousenkyo Announcement will be live-streamed for free on JKT48's official YouTube channel. 

The event is scheduled for 15 December 2024, starting at 19:00 WIB.

This announcement is part of the Wonderland JKT48 13th Anniversary Concert & Sousenkyo Announcement, promising a thrilling evening for fans across the globe. 

For those unable to attend the event in person, the live stream offers a perfect way to witness the unveiling of the 26th single's senbatsu members in real-time.

JKT48's official statement confirmed the details:

  • Title: Live Streaming JKT48 26th Single Sousenkyo Announcement Result
  • Platform: JKT48 Official YouTube Channel
  • Price: Completely free of charge

The Sousenkyo event is one of the most awaited moments for the JKT48 fandom, as it determines which members will be featured in the upcoming single. 

Don't miss this significant event as it promises surprises, emotional moments, and celebrations marking JKT48's 13th anniversary.

Prepare to join thousands of fans online and support your favourite members in this iconic moment!

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