HKT48 Kawahira Hijiri Announced Graduation

HKT48 Kawahira Hijiri Announced Graduation

Kawahira Hijiri, a 5th generation member of HKT48, has announced her graduation from the group to focus on her dream of becoming an anime voice actor (Seiyuu). Her final activities with the group are scheduled to conclude on 22 March 2025.

Fondly known as "Hijirin," Kawahira has been a dedicated member of HKT48 for six years, despite never being selected for a Senbatsu position. 

Hailing from a remote region, her journey has been an inspiring story of determination and passion.

In her statement, she thanked fans for their unwavering support and expressed excitement about her future in the anime industry. 

Fans have shown an outpouring of love and encouragement, recognising her courage to chase her aspirations.

Her departure marks the end of an era for HKT48’s 5th generation, leaving both fans and members emotional yet supportive of her decision. 

Hijiri Kawahira's unique charm and tenacity will undoubtedly make her a standout in her new career path.

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