MUSIC AWARDS JP Set to Become Japan's Largest Music Event

MUSIC AWARDS JP Set to Become Japan's Largest Music Event

"MUSIC AWARDS JAPAN" has unveiled exciting details about its upcoming ceremony, positioning itself as the nation's most prominent music awards event. 

Boasting over 60 categories, winners will be determined by more than 5,000 music industry professionals, with Spotify listeners casting votes for two special categories.

The six flagship awards include "Best Artist", "Best Song", "Best Album", "Best Newcomer", "Best Asian Song" (excluding Japan), and "Top Global Hit from Japan"

The prestigious event will take place over two days, 21-22 May 2025, at Kyoto's scenic venues, blending modern musical achievements with Japan's rich cultural heritage.

With its inclusive and innovative approach, the awards aim to spotlight domestic and international talent, enhancing Japan’s global influence in music. 

Industry experts and fans alike are eagerly awaiting what promises to be an unforgettable celebration of music.

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