Nakai Masahiro Settles Physical Assault Dispute

Nakai Masahiro Settles Physical Assault Dispute

SMAP’s Nakai Masahiro (52) reportedly resolved a legal dispute involving a physical and se assault claim by paying a settlement of 90 million yen. 

The case began in June last year after Nakai attended a dinner party that was supposed to include two others. 

When one guest, known as A-san, was unable to attend, Nakai and the woman, X-san, dined alone.

What started as a pleasant evening escalated into serious trouble. 

The woman, a Fuji TV employee rumoured to be an announcer, alleged Nakai assaulted her. 

Through legal discussions, Nakai agreed to pay the settlement, with his lawyer confirming the matter was resolved.

Fuji TV denied allegations that A-san, reported to be a senior executive, was involved in organising the dinner. 

Despite the resolution, X-san expressed lingering resentment during an interview with Shukan Bunshun, stating she still cannot forgive Nakai.

This incident has cast a shadow over Nakai’s career, raising questions about accountability and privacy within Japan’s entertainment industry. Both parties have refrained from further public comments.

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