POLARIX: Disband Date, Contract Length, Discuss

POLARIX: Disband Date, Contract Length, Discuss

POLARIX Discusses Future Plans and Contract Terms

POLARIX, a South Korean boy group formed through the Korea-China survival show Starlight Boys, debuted on 28 December 2024. 

The group features nine members: Shao Ziheng, Lee Jun Hyuk, Xu Shihuan, Xin Chen, Pentor Jeerapat, Han Gyul, ZAI, Yang Donghwa, and Lee Da Eul. 

Its lineup includes four Chinese members, one Thai, and four South Koreans.

The group’s initial three-year contract has been finalised, allowing members the option to renew after this period. 

POLARIX’s management permits side projects such as commercials, magazine shoots, TV shows, and radio appearances.

Since signing their first professional contracts, members’ salaries have been settled. 

The group’s continuation will depend on certain conditions, raising speculation about their future. 

Fans are now curious whether the group will stay together or disband after the initial term.

With strong international appeal, POLARIX’s journey in the global music scene remains one to watch.

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