Shen Mengyao Establishes Agency to Manage Solo Career

Shen Mengyao Establishes Agency to Manage Solo Career

The Chinese entertainment world is abuzz with news of Shen Mengyao, a former SNH48 member, launching her own career management agency. 

The new company, Shanghai Xuanze Culture Communication Co., Ltd, was officially founded in December 2024, as revealed by the business platform Tianyancha.

Shen Mengyao, serving as the legal representative and majority shareholder with 95% ownership, aims to expand her influence in the entertainment industry. 

The agency focuses on cultural and artistic exchanges, entertainment management services, and various artistic activities. 

Her business partner, Wang Lei, holds the remaining 5% of the shares.

With a registered capital of 200,000 yuan, the company signals Shen Mengyao's determination to carve a niche in China’s competitive entertainment landscape. 

Industry insiders view this venture as a strategic step to consolidate her brand while fostering artistic growth.

This move reflects Shen Mengyao’s transition from idol to entrepreneur, with a focus on managing and innovating in the dynamic field of cultural arts. Her journey continues to inspire fans and industry peers alike.

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