Thai Trainee Pentor Jeerapat Shines in POLARIX Debut

Thai Trainee Pentor Jeerapat Shines in POLARIX Debut

Pentor Jeerapat, the sole representative from Thailand, has turned dreams into reality by debuting in the boy group POLARIX. 

This milestone comes after his impressive performance in the survival programme Starlight Boys.

As a former member of LAZ1, Pentor's journey to this achievement has been one of resilience and determination. 

Following the end of LAZ1’s contract, each member pursued individual paths, and Pentor’s success in POLARIX stands as a testament to his hard work and unwavering dedication.

His debut is not only celebrated by fans but also by former LAZ1 members. 

Geller Krittimuk even appeared on set to offer heartfelt support. 

Daou Pittaya, now an actor, praised Pentor on social media, stating, "Your hard work has paid off. Keep striving for excellence!"

Pentor's dedication has also earned the admiration of staff, who commend his relentless work ethic. 

His family’s steadfast support has been instrumental, and even his ex-girlfriend has shown unwavering loyalty as a fan.

The young star secured his debut with a fifth-place ranking and 693,895 votes. Loved by fans and respected by his peers, Pentor is set to shine brightly in POLARIX.

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