Twinkle☆Stars Set to Disband After 10th Anniversary in 2025

Twinkle☆Stars Set to Disband After 10th Anniversary in 2025

Twinkle☆Stars have revealed that they will disband at the end of their 10th anniversary year, with a farewell performance on 30 December 2025. 

The announcement, which has saddened fans, marks the culmination of a decade of success and memories.

Nagisa Ikeda, the group’s leader, confirmed that she would also retire from idol activities on the same day. 

The news doesn’t stop there: Ikeda also shared that Sakura Iro Standard, the group she produces, will end their activities in Autumn 2025.

Fans are encouraged to continue supporting the idols as they prepare for their final chapter, leaving an enduring legacy in the idol world.

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