Yusuke Kobayashi and Yumi Uchiyama Are Married

Yusuke Kobayashi and Yumi Uchiyama Are Married

Voice actors Yusuke Kobayashi and Yumi Uchiyama have joyfully announced their marriage. 

The pair, who worked together on Arslan Senki, revealed their journey began with Kobayashi’s first lead role. 

Fans flooded social media with heartfelt congratulations, praising the couple's inspiring love story.

After dating for more than two years, the couple shared another exciting update—Uchiyama is expecting their first child. 

They expressed gratitude to their supporters and promised to work harder than ever to give their best to their fans and each other.

Kobayashi, who struggled early in his career, and Uchiyama both hope to continue pursuing their passion while embracing this new chapter as a family.

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