AKB48 Award: Member of The Year 2024 Winners

AKB48 Award: Member of The Year 2024 Winners

The AKB48 Member of The Year 2024 Awards celebrated the group's standout performers in an exciting annual event. 

The awards, exclusively voted on by staff, management, and fellow members, honour the best contributions within the group. 

Fans were not involved in voting but could express their opinions online.

This year's winners included Oguri Yui, crowned MVP, and Ito Momoka, who clinched the Best Rookie title. 

Hirata Yuki took home dual honours for Best Dresser and Best SNS presence. 

Meanwhile, Narutao (Kuranoo Narumi & Shitao Miu) were named Best Pair, with Narumi also earning the Best Supporter award.

The ceremony, hosted by Sakagawa Hiyuka and Arai Sae, highlighted internal camaraderie and talent. 

While fans couldn’t vote, their support online added to the event's enthusiasm. 

The awards remain a cherished tradition, fostering growth and unity among members.

Notable mentions include Taguchi Manaka for Best Funny Award, Yamauchi Mizuki for Best Person Concerned, and Yamaguchi Yui for Best Dance. The event closed with warm applause for all winners.

Full List: 

AKB48 2024 Award - Member of The Year:

Best Funny Award: Taguchi Manaka

Best Person Concerned Award: Yamauchi Mizuki

Best Mic Award: Murayama Yuiri

Best Dresser Award + Best SNS Award: Hirata Yuki

Best Dance Award: Yamaguchi Yui

Most Appearances (AKB48 Theater): Suzuki Kurumi

Best Pair Award: Narutao (Kuranoo Narumi & Shitao Miu)

Best Supporter Award: Kuranoo Narumi

Note: Sakagawa Hiyuka (Host)

MVP Award: Oguri Yui

Note: Arai Sae (Host)

Best Rookie Award: Ito Momoka

Best Manners Award: Hanada Mei

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