AKB48 Team TP Drops Bikini-Clad Weixiao ED MV

AKB48 Team TP Drops Bikini-Clad Weixiao ED MV

AKB48 Team TP has released the highly anticipated music video for "Weixiao ED" (微笑ED), a graduation song for the second generation. 

This marks a significant moment for the group, as it is the first time in a while that members of the 48 Group are seen in bikinis, adding a refreshing twist to the release.

Chou Chia-an takes centre stage as the song's lead, with fellow second-generation members Wu Chi-hui, Weng Tung-hsun, Miyata Ruka, Lin Ting-li, Wu Wan-ling, and Yuan Tzu-chu all shining in the video. 

The visuals showcase not only their stunning bikini outfits but also emotional moments that encapsulate the journey of the group.

The MV is praised for its vibrant aesthetic, combining nostalgia with a bold new direction. 

The song’s bittersweet lyrics and lively atmosphere reflect the bittersweet nature of the graduation process, sending the second generation off in a memorable way.

MV: Waeixiao ED

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