AKMU’s Lee Chanhyuk and Lee Saerom End Relationship

AKMU’s Lee Chanhyuk and Lee Saerom End Relationship

AKMU’s Lee Chanhyuk and Lee Saerom End Relationship

Reports have surfaced confirming that AKMU’s Lee Chanhyuk and former fromis_9 member Lee Saerom have ended their romantic relationship. 

According to entertainment insiders on the 21st, the two parted ways last year after dating for over a year.

The pair first sparked dating rumours in October 2022, when they were spotted on dates and shared photos from similar locations on social media. 

YG Entertainment, Lee Chanhyuk’s agency, stated at the time that they could not confirm details of their artist’s private life, while Lee Saerom’s agency, Pledis Entertainment, remained silent. This response led many to believe the rumours were true.

AKMU’s Lee Chanhyuk and Lee Saerom End Relationship

A close source revealed that despite continuing to see each other following the rumours, they decided to end their relationship in 2023. 

Both sides have refrained from making official statements about their romance or breakup.

Lee Chanhyuk, known for his work with AKMU and his solo album ERROR, debuted in 2014. 

Lee Saerom, a 2017 debutant with fromis_9, left Pledis Entertainment last December after her contract expired. Both artists are now focusing on their individual careers.

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