Annin Miru Departs Gaga Piero Before Group's Final Show

Annin Miru Departs Gaga Piero Before Group's Final Show

Annin Miru, a J-Pop idol and member of the idol group Gaga Piero, officially graduated from the group today, during her ongoing hiatus. 

The group’s final performance, scheduled for 7 February 2025, will feature the remaining four members.

An official statement from the management apologised to fans who had been awaiting Annin’s return, confirming that the decision to graduate her was made after careful discussions and respecting her wishes. 

They acknowledged the disappointment this may cause and expressed gratitude to fans for their support.

Gaga Piero will conclude their current lineup at the 7 February concert, marking the end of the group. 

More details on the event will follow. Fans are encouraged to continue supporting the members as they embark on new journeys.

Imaginate Corporation extended their heartfelt apologies and gratitude to all supporters.

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