Aoki Kanon Exposes Fuji TV Harassment Scandal

Aoki Kanon Exposes Fuji TV Harassment Scandal

Aoki Kanon, a YouTuber and former announcer, has shared her experiences of alleged sexual harassment during her time at Fuji TV. 

In a video uploaded on January 20th, titled "I will speak out about the harassment I endured at Fuji TV," Aoki detailed inappropriate advances by a senior staff member linked to a Fuji TV production.

On X (formerly Twitter), Aoki revealed a harrowing incident where a well-known entertainer forcibly took her to a hotel after dinner, despite her clear objections. 

She described the emotional toll and her determination to resist, eventually escaping after a confrontation.

Aoki Kanon highlighted the persistence of such misconduct in the entertainment industry but noted growing awareness of these issues. 

Her courage has sparked widespread support and criticism, with many lauding her bravery for exposing the darker side of the industry.

In her YouTube video, Aoki Kanon shared her emotional struggles but expressed her resolve to speak out despite potential career risks. 

She hopes her story will lead to a safer, more accountable entertainment world.

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