Asahina Aya Announces Pregnancy With Second Child

Asahina Aya Announces Pregnancy With Second Child

Model and actress Asahina Aya, 31, has announced she is expecting her second child.

The joyous news was revealed on 1 January. Aya married Sandaime J Soul Brothers performer Yamashita Kenjiro, 39, in July 2021. 

The couple welcomed their first child in March 2024.

Yamashita joined Sandaime J Soul Brothers in 2010 and is also known for his acting and as a presenter on NTV’s ZIP! since 2018. 

Meanwhile, Aya started as a model for Ray magazine and has appeared in various TV shows and advertisements, including PON! and Shinsei Bank Card Loan

She made her film debut in the 2022 movie Red Shoes and is now a model for Oggi.

Aya expressed her gratitude for the support she's received and is focused on her family and career during this exciting time. Fans have flooded the couple with congratulatory messages.

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