Ayase Haruka and Jesse: Couple Sparks Marriage Rumours

Ayase Haruka and Jesse: Public Couple Sparks Marriage Rumours

Ayase Haruka and Jesse: Public Couple Sparks Marriage Rumours

Japanese actress Ayase Haruka (39) and SixTONES member Jesse (28) continue to draw attention as their relationship grows increasingly public. 

According to Josei Seven, Ayase has been attending dinners and parties with Jesse's associates, surprising attendees with her presence and cementing their status as a beloved couple.

Sources say the two are considering marriage but are carefully timing their next steps to accommodate their busy schedules. 

Jesse, focusing on SixTONES' fifth anniversary dome tour, has reportedly postponed wedding plans to prioritise group activities. 

Meanwhile, Ayase balances work with personal time, often travelling abroad for both business and leisure.

The couple's relationship blossomed further after a visit to Jesse's relatives in Las Vegas last September, a significant gesture from the idol. 

Haruka Ayase’s surprise appearance at a recent gathering showcased her support for Jesse, who friends say is deeply committed to their future together.

As Ayase celebrates 25 years in the industry and Jesse pushes SixTONES to new heights, fans eagerly await an official announcement about their plans, which many believe will signal a happy ending to their love story.

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