Bai Lu Rejects Idol Dramas for Quality Projects

Bai Lu Steps Away from Idol Dramas for New Horizons

Bai Lu Steps Away from Idol Dramas for New Horizons

Bai Lu, 30, recently announced her disinterest in participating in idol dramas, signalling a shift in her career path. 

Idol dramas, often focused on youthful romance, have been a staple genre, but Bai Lu now seeks more diverse and challenging roles.

Bai Lu Rejects Idol Dramas for Quality Projects

Zhao Dongling, the screenwriter of Northward, praised Bai Lu for this decision, calling her "a very smart girl" with a clear vision for her future. 

Dongling also highlighted her ability to transform her career quietly and expressed eagerness to collaborate with her again.

Bai Lu's move is seen as a strategic step towards becoming a more versatile actress. 

By focusing on higher-quality projects, Bai Lu aims to strengthen her reputation and explore complex narratives.

Her decision has sparked widespread admiration, with many acknowledging her dedication to personal growth over fame. 

As reported by Sohu Entertainment, Bai Lu’s evolving career choices reflect her ambition to establish herself as a true acting talent in the entertainment industry.

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