B'z Thrills Kouhaku, Gains 10,000 New Fan Members

B'z Thrills Kouhaku, Gains 10,000 New Fan Members

B'z Thrills 2024 NHK Kouhaku, Gains 10,000 New Fan Members

The legendary rock band B'z delivered a spectacular performance at the 75th NHK Kouhaku Uta Gassen, marking their first-ever appearance on the prestigious show in their 36-year career. 

The surprise performance captivated audiences and skyrocketed the band's popularity, with their official fan club gaining over 10,000 new paid members within days.

Initially slated to perform the theme song "Illumination" from the asadora Omusubi on an outdoor stage, the duo shocked fans and hosts alike by appearing at NHK Hall. 

They performed their iconic hits "LOVE PHANTOM" and "Ultra Soul Splash Style," energising the crowd with an electrifying display.

The surprise appearance went viral, with the NHK Music YouTube channel's highlight clip garnering nearly 5 million views in just three days. 

Fans praised vocalist Koshi Inaba's charismatic stage presence and guitarist Tak Matsumoto's standout solo, solidifying the duo’s legacy as rock icons.

Social media buzz was filled with new fans expressing their admiration: "I joined the fan club after watching their incredible Kouhaku performance," shared one user, while others noted the influence B'z had on younger generations. 

Reports suggest many parents and their teenage children joined the fan club together after witnessing the magic of B'z live.

Before Kouhaku, the fan club reportedly had 710,000 members. 

By 3rd January, this had surged to over 720,000, proving the band’s timeless appeal and ability to inspire a new wave of fans.

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