ChuLa Revolution: J-Pop Group to Change the System

Revolution Hits J-Pop Group Chula's System

Japanese idol group ChuLa has announced the conclusion of its current system, set for 18th January. 

Following this, the group will enter a hiatus to prepare for a new system. 

As a result, all events of this J-Pop girl group scheduled after this date have been cancelled.

The group’s management issued an official statement apologising for the sudden announcement. 

They expressed gratitude to fans for their continued support and understanding during this transition. 

On 18th January, a "Current System Final Live" will be held at HEAVEN'S ROCK Saitama Shintoshin, featuring six members excluding Aya Ichigo Meru.

Chula's 20th January event, "ChuLa Matsuri," will go ahead with changes to its original content. 

The last time they changed its system was in March 2024.

The management has reassured fans of their commitment to revitalising the group and asked for continued support during this period. Further updates will follow soon.

This marks a significant chapter in ChuLa’s journey, promising an exciting future for the group as they prepare to unveil their new structure. Fans worldwide eagerly await the next step in ChuLa’s evolution.

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