ClariS Enters a New Era: Now a J-Pop Trio with Elly & Anna

ClariS Enters a New Era: Now a J-Pop Trio with Elly & Anna

ClariS, a Japanese musical unit group, has officially begun its third chapter by transforming into a trio. 

On 25 January 2025, Clara welcomed two new members, Elly and Anna, during their performance at the Lis Ani! LIVE 2025 event. 

This exciting announcement marks a fresh start for the group, originally formed by Clara and Alice in 2009.

ClariS became known for their secrecy and captivating songs, debuting in 2010 with "irony." 

Alice left in 2014, replaced by Karen, who departed last November. 

With Elly and Anna now onboard, Clara envisions an unprecedented journey for the group.

Fans are thrilled to see ClariS evolve while preserving their iconic charm. 

Both Elly and Anna expressed gratitude for joining, promising to deliver remarkable music and performances. 

As ClariS steps into this bold new phase, their loyal supporters eagerly anticipate what lies ahead.

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