DeNA's Katsuki Azuma Caught in Scandalous Affair

DeNA's Katsuki azuma Caught in Scandalous Affair

On the evening of January 17, Katsuki Azuma (29), the ace left-handed pitcher who led the Yokohama DeNA BayStars to their first Japan Series title in 26 years, was spotted in his hometown of Nagoya. 

Despite leaving his family in Yokohama to focus on his off-season training, he was seen in a hotel room, not with his beloved wife, but with a stunning blonde underground actress. (Video: Alleged Actress Spotted on a Match)

Katsuki Azuma DeNA affair scandal issue

Katsuki Azuma, who joined the BayStars in 2018 after being drafted from Aiko Gakuin High and Ritsumeikan University, had an outstanding 2023 season, securing the most wins with 16. 

dena Katsuki Azuma scandal

His contract was renewed for 210 million yen, double his previous salary. 

Despite his professional success, Katsuki Azuma personal life has now taken an unexpected turn, drawing attention away from his achievements.

The married pitcher, who celebrated his wedding in 2020 and has a young daughter, had always publicly expressed his love for his family. 

Yet, in a shocking twist, he was seen in the company of a film star during his self-training camp. 

Katsuki Azuma affair scandal

This news comes after Katsuki Azuma had previously shared how much he misses his family during his off-season, vowing to keep in touch via video calls to keep his child from feeling lonely.

As the scandal unfolds, fans and the media await further developments in Katsuki Azuma personal and professional life.

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