"Drifting Away" Drama Faces Plagiarism Accusations

Drifting Away" Faces Plagiarism Accusations

Drifting Away Screenwriter Defends Drama Amid Plagiarism Claims.

The Chinese drama "Drifting Away," which premiered on January 17, 2025, faces plagiarism allegations from a Weibo user named "Mengge." 

The accuser, claiming to be an investigative journalist, alleged that the show plagiarised the 2012 investigative report Bleach by Southern Metropolis Daily.

Mengge accused the production team of failing to credit the original source, erasing the report from public media, and not consulting the original authors. 

These claims stirred debate online, with many questioning the drama's originality.

Screenwriter Chen Qing responded, stating she visited key locations, conducted interviews, and adapted the story into a novel. 

drifting away drama plagiarism issue

She highlighted her 30 years of writing experience and admitted the difficulties of originality in modern storytelling. 

She expressed a desire for both parties to resolve the matter through legal means.

The controversy has sparked discussions about ethical practices in creative industries, leaving audiences divided over the allegations. 

The producers have yet to issue an official statement.

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