Ex LUNARSOLAR Hyunjung Expresses Pain Through ‘Oasis’

Ex LUNARSOLAR Hyunjung Expresses Pain Through ‘Oasis’

Hyunjung, a former member of LUNARSOLAR, recently unveiled her self-composed song ‘Oasis’ (prod. Cold Melody). 

The heartfelt track delves into her emotional struggles following LUNARSOLAR’s disbandment in May 2022, when their contracts with JPLANET Entertainment were terminated.

The poignant lyrics reflect her journey of loss and healing, resonating with fans who supported her throughout her idol career.

In April 2024, Hyunjung revealed she had joined a band and plans to perform in outdoor busking sessions as the weather warms up. 

Her venture into this new chapter demonstrates her determination to continue creating and sharing music.

Fans eagerly await her busking performances, which promise a fresh start while honouring her past. 

As Hyunjung turns the page, ‘Oasis’ stands as a testament to her resilience and passion for music.

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