Ex-LUNARSOLAR Yuuri Now Teaches Future K-Pop Idols

Ex-LUNARSOLAR Yuuri Now Teaches Future K-Pop Idols

Yuuri, former member of the K-pop group LUNARSOLAR, has embarked on a new career as a teacher at the entertainment academy AZENC. 

The academy specialises in training Japanese students aspiring to become K-pop idols.

Yuuri’s transition from idol to educator highlights her passion for nurturing the next generation of performers. 

With her extensive industry experience, she aims to equip students with the skills and mindset needed to succeed in the competitive K-pop industry.

AZENC provides a comprehensive curriculum, blending vocal, dance, and language training to prepare students for the global stage. 

As a Japanese, Yuuri’s involvement adds a unique edge, inspiring students with her first-hand knowledge of the idol life.

Many fans have expressed admiration for Yuuri’s new role, seeing it as a testament to her dedication to the entertainment industry. 

As she shapes future stars, her journey reflects the diverse paths idols can pursue after their performing careers.

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